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Castrocorp™ Biography. Subverting pixels since 2001 within the grand tradition of the International Style | Representing / Art / Music / Media / Nightlife | Castrocorp™ have delivered high impact design across all media for Cherry Create, Defected Records, D:Vision & X Energy records, Strictly Rhythm, Brighton & Hove Pride, DJ Spen, Code Red, Holly Johnson (Frankie Goes To Hollywood), Ab Rogers Design, Nick Helm, Kings Of Tomorrow, Scuba, Terra Deva, DJ Paulette, Miguel Pellitero, Seamus Haji, Duncan Jordan PR, The Sports PR Company, East Creative, Anthem, TimeBased Events, Engine Room Artists + many many more.

Case Study

Meet The Team

Castrocorp (CCP) is a design studio based in London focussing on graphic & web design and brand communication across all media.




2001 – 2025
CEO, Founder

David Kendrick

David Kendrick. Born the year that England decriminalised homosexuality for consenting adults aged 21 years and over, in private. He went to school in the Northeast Midlands. He studied Architecture at Leeds School of Architecture during the embryonic Rave & Acid House scenes, where his love of repetitive beats spawned an early DJ career, running the Gay Rave ‘Jungle’ at Leeds’ iconic Warehouse club. As a designer he is self taught & was inspired by the visual language of late 20th century dance music and the International and New Formalist architectural styles he saw as a young kid in Toronto, Canada. David spent the majority of the 90s as a DJ, resident at Manchester’s iconic Haçienda (Flesh, Freak nights) and was the Saturday night resident DJ at Ben Kelly’s other creation; Factory Records HQ which was relaunched as Paradise Factory: a multi-floor gay club. The transitional alchemy from H.O.U.S.E to H.T.M.L.  happened by chance with a job at Defected Records in 2001 as their webmaster…. and the rest is history as they say.

CFO, Chief Mouse Operative

Steven Patrick

Steven Patrick. Born one year after the London Olympics, studied Mouse skills at Leeds School of Mousery during the embryonic Post Rave & Fake Acid House scenes, where his love of repetitive catnip abuse spawned an early scratching career, ruining several sofas. As a designer he is self taught & was inspired by the visual language of late 20th century dance music and the International and New Formalist architectural styles he saw as a young kitten on his way from Surrey to his forever home. And the rest is history as they say.


Selected Projects

Cherry Create

Cherry Create

DJ Paulette

DJ Paulette

Nick Helm

Nick Helm

Holly Johnson

Holly Johnson

Ab Rogers Design

Ab Rogers Design



Duncan Jordan PR

Duncan Jordan PR

Brighton Pride

Brighton Pride



The Sports PR Company

The Sports PR Company

Baby Lame

Baby Lame

Freeman PR

Freeman PR

Talamanca Records

Talamanca Records

2001: A House Odyssey

2001: A House Odyssey